These new daily habits have truly transformed my life.
They say that daily habits shape who you become, and I couldn’t agree more.
Today, I want to share how incorporating new habits into my routine since 2019 has been a game-changer for me.
Here are some of the key habits that have made a significant impact:
- Early Mornings: I began waking up around 4:50 am to dedicate two hours to study before heading to work. This simple change allowed me to earn five different certificates, including Cert 4 in Mental Health and Real Estate Practice.
- Prioritizing Tasks: Each day, I focus on top three main goals and ensure they are accomplished. If I couldn’t complete them, I make sure to compete them by next day.
- Regular Exercise: I commit to exercising for at least half an hour every day, following a weekly schedule I set up on my board. If I feel tired and lack motivation, I tell myself, “Let’s take it easy today and just go for a swim.” I aim to spend a short period at the gym, which often leads me to do easy exercises like swimming or spending 20 minutes on the treadmill.
- Journaling: I’ve been journaling daily, which helps me keep track of tasks and stay organized. I leave a little notebook in the living room and next to the bed or on the computer table, so whenever new ideas or to-do lists come up, I write them down immediately.
- Preventive Rest and Nutrition: I’ve adopted the habit of resting before feeling tired, ensuring I have energy throughout the day. Eating before I get hungry prevents overeating and drinking protein shakes during workouts helps maintain energy levels. Also, I place water bottles around my house, such as in the living room, kitchen, and my bedroom. This makes it easy for me to see them and grab one whenever I need, encouraging me to drink more water.
- Studying in the toilet: Studying in the toilet has become a productive habit for me. Whenever I spend an extended period there, I grab one of my study books. It’s surprising how well I can concentrate in that environment. In fact, I’ve already finished half of the book by doing this. I even keep the book next to the toilet for easy access.
- Charging Routine: Upon returning home from work, I immediately charge my phone and earbuds. Also, as soon as I wake up in the morning, I start charging my devices, avoiding overnight charging for safety reasons. Additionally, I make it a habit to quickly charge my vacuum cleaner after each use.
- Relocate TV: I relocated the TV to a less frequently used room to prevent the temptation of watching TV. Additionally, I canceled Netflix. Since then, I have definitely reduced my TV-watching time by 90%. Instead, I listen to podcasts or read books.
- Nightly Yoga and Reflection: Before bed, I practice two minutes of yoga to unwind. Usually, the two minutes extend to five or ten minutes. Additionally, on weekends, I head to a cafe to reflect on my personal development progress, review my goals, and make any necessary edits. This allows me to assess my current state and evaluate my progress effectively.
- Micro Habits: I incorporate small habits into my daily routine, such as stretching for two minutes after waking up, practicing piano for ten minutes right after coming home from work, calling my parents during breaks, and depositing a portion of my paycheck into my savings account before spending any money.
These micro habits may seem insignificant, but they’ve had a profound impact on my life.
I hope sharing my experience inspires you to adopt some new practical habits of your own.
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