Category: Celine’s Practical Personal Development Tools

  • What you need to have a better life.

  • How to Live Without Regret

    True Lessons from My Father In our fast-paced world, we often get caught up in the hustle and forget the essence of living a fulfilling life. Recently, I had a profound experience that reshaped my perspective on life and happiness. During a visit to South Korea to see my parents, I witnessed remarkable changes in […]

  • I Am Going to Do It, No Matter What

    Regularly following up on my personal goals has proven to be an effective strategy for accomplishment. While reviewing my goals’ progress, I realized that I hadn’t posted any recordings to my podcast, even though I set this goal a year ago. Despite initial enthusiasm, I found myself making excuses, particularly concerning my strong accent. Determined […]

  • How I Stopped Drinking #2: My Secret Method

    I stopped binge drinking alcohol five years ago, and this method has worked tremendously for me: I redirected my budget for buying booze to things that make me happy and satisfied. For example, buying books gives me immense pleasure, as does enrolling in online courses related to personal development. Interestingly, even though I love books […]

  • OMG. This Simple Tactic Really Worked. It Saved Me Again

    Last night, our precious bunny Fluffy was unwell. He didn’t want to eat, moved very slowly, and acted strangely. We knew he was sick. We called several emergency vets in our area, and they all said we had to bring him in immediately. My partner and I were very worried, in tears, and anxious. My […]

  • I Almost Did It Again: How a Simple Tool Saved Me

    I almost lost my temper again and was ready to fight at the gym last night. However, the tool I’ve been studying saved me. One of the instructors at the gym was yelling at me because I didn’t hear her say, “Hey, Don’t leave the class pass; keep it with you.” I was lost in […]

  • I Wish I Did It Earlier: Keys to a Happy Life

    I regularly ask myself, “Ten years from now, what will I be really glad I did consistently for ten years?” I strive to do those things consistently. Additionally, my client Blanche, a 94-year-old who exercises five times a week, is in very good shape and has an amazing memory. From her, I have learned that […]

  • I Am a 93-Year-Old. I Wish I’d Done These.

    Hey everyone, I want to share a powerful tool I often use when I’m feeling lost, down, or lacking motivation. Colin, our dear friend, passed away at 86 a few years ago. I remember visiting him in the palliative care unit, despite it being the end of his life and him being very sick. He […]

  • How Did My Life Become Peaceful and Calm? My Secret tools

    Hi everyone, Since embarking on my personal development journey, my life has become smoother, with less stress and upset. Instead, I’ve grown mentally stronger and gained more wisdom. Here’s what I’ve learned: I’ve learned to take control of my thoughts. When negative or unnecessary thoughts arise, I remind myself: “They can’t hurt me. I control […]

  • Building Confidence: Lessons Learned the Hard Way

    When I first started my career in Australia, I was fortunate to land a job at a large company. Eager to prove myself and support my parents financially, I was willing to work hard. However, I found myself in a challenging situation when a colleague, who held the same position as me, began assigning me […]