Category: Celine’s Practical Personal Development Tools
How To Overcome Depression
How to Overcome Depression Today, I’d like to share an experience from the weekend. I was strongly hit by depression, and unfortunately, I allowed it to affect my mindset, leading to negative consequences for my body. Reflecting on this, I’ve realized the importance of being aware of our thoughts and feelings, particularly in challenging situations. […]
“How to Set Your Life Goals: A Simple Guide for 2024”
Hello everyone. Today, I’d like to share my simple tactics for setting goals. Let’s dive in. Firstly, I jot down my top 3 to 5 goals for the day in the morning. Additionally, I write them on a small note and keep it in my phone’s wallet all day as a reminder. I also set […]
What You Think Can Change Your Life
In the journey of personal development, I’ve realized the immense power lies in how I choose to perceive and internalize words from others. By understanding that their words have no impact unless I give them power, I empower myself. In the realm of thoughts and emotions, I acknowledge that others can only control my feelings […]
Simple Steps To Stop Worrying
During my twenties, I used to worry a lot. It felt like I made worries out of nothing. Friends would joke, “Celine, you always find something to worry about!” Looking back, I realized worrying had become a habit. As I matured, I learned that worrying was pointless. The majority of my concerns never happened. Thus, […]